Guilt Emotional numbness
Depression and crying Lowered self-esteem
Inability to forgive yourself Inability to bond
Intense grief and sadness Avoidance of relationships
to become pregnant again
Sexual problems Anger and rage
Anorexia or other eating disorders Nightmares and flashbacks
Drug or alcohol use Suicidal urges
Unsuccessful Grieving Methods
- denying there is anything to grieve
- denying there is grieving going on
- denying the loss by burying your feelings
- replacement behaviours (subsequent pregnancy, repeat abortion, adoption)
- believing that time heals all wounds
- obsession over making mistakes
- self deprecation (abusive relationships, self-punishing and unforgiving behaviours)
- flight (change of boyfriend, job, geography)
- self isolation and insulation (restricted communication, secrecy,defensiveness)
- grieving alone
- ongoing and unresolved anger (self, God, boyfriend, husband, subsequent children, parents, friends, baby)
- pursuit of "me-ism"
- sexual dysfunction ( promiscuity, frigidity)
- phobic patterns (fear of health clinics, being alone, gynecological examinations, panic attacks, agoraphobia)
- dissociation and emotional disconectedness